
Aerchs offers optimized material utilization, accurate accuracy, and imaginable repeating of various types of cutting work. We have the ability to slit and rewind materials into a variety of rolls in accordance with custom widths and lengths. Cutting performance includes:

  • Presision

Precision slitting is the process of slitting large coils into narrow rolls of precise width and length.

  • Lathe

Lathe cutting is a process in which a pressure sensitive material uses a large pressure to rotate through a high speed reel while using a round knife to cut the material into a specific width.

  • Razor

Razor slitting is a type of rewind slitting that utilizes single razor blades. Material is pulled through the stationary blades, making clean precise cuts. Razor slitting is best suited for thin materials like films and adhesives.

  • Score

Score slitting is a type of rewind slitting that utilizes circular knives to press against a steel cylinder or mandrel with material being pulled through, between the knife and the mandrel. Score slitting is more appropriate for materials of uneven thickness.

  • Shear slitting

Shear slitting is a type of rewind slitting that uses two rotary knives to produce the same cutting effect as a pair of scissors. Shear slitting is ideal for paper, foil, and heavier materials.

adhesive tape slitting